Too Busy for Personalized Experiences?
Too Busy for Personalized Experiences?
It seems that everyone is busier than ever these days. But it does make us wonder — what exactly is taking up so much time? And if personalization is so important, might it make sense to shift your business priorities accordingly? The good news is that you don’t have to tackle this problem alone. There are tools and frameworks that can help you accelerate much faster than you would alone.
It seems that everyone is busier than ever these days. But it does make us wonder — what exactly is taking up so much time? And if personalization is so important, might it make sense to shift your business priorities accordingly? The good news is that you don’t have to tackle this problem alone. There are tools and frameworks that can help you accelerate much faster than you would alone.
Digging Deeper into Black Friday (and Cyber Monday) Shopping Behavior
Digging Deeper into Black Friday (and Cyber Monday) Shopping Behavior
Black Friday and Cyber Monday have long been among the biggest online shopping days of the year in the United States. In recent years, these shopping holidays have also begun to spread worldwide. For online retailers, the Cyber Weekend between Black Friday and Cyber Monday provide a unique opportunity to engage existing customers and capture new digital footprints for future marketing efforts. We've analyzed clickstream data from Cyber Weekend 2019 to better understand typical customer journeys during this specific time period and have discovered the following behaviors and trends.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday have long been among the biggest online shopping days of the year in the United States. In recent years, these shopping holidays have also begun to spread worldwide. For online retailers, the Cyber Weekend between Black Friday and Cyber Monday provide a unique opportunity to engage existing customers and capture new digital footprints for future marketing efforts. We've analyzed clickstream data from Cyber Weekend 2019 to better understand typical customer journeys during this specific time period and have discovered the following behaviors and trends.
Thoughts on CDPs: Do You Want Data or Intelligence?
Thoughts on CDPs: Do You Want Data or Intelligence?
Customer data platforms (CDPs) are white-hot right now, but they've also shown us their limitations. An emerging category is quickly becoming the platform of choice for digital teams. Here's a look at the key areas of differentiation between a CDP and CIP.
Customer data platforms (CDPs) are white-hot right now, but they've also shown us their limitations. An emerging category is quickly becoming the platform of choice for digital teams. Here's a look at the key areas of differentiation between a CDP and CIP.
Think Behavioral Data Pipelines Are Too Complex? They’re Not.
Think Behavioral Data Pipelines Are Too Complex? They’re Not.
The sheer amount of behavioral data that consumers generate online each day is exactly what makes it so useful to companies. It’s also, of course, what makes this data so difficult to process and consolidate. Syntasa’s platform is designed to make it simple for enterprises to build the behavioral data pipelines which provide better analytics, better decisions, and better actions.
The sheer amount of behavioral data that consumers generate online each day is exactly what makes it so useful to companies. It’s also, of course, what makes this data so difficult to process and consolidate. Syntasa’s platform is designed to make it simple for enterprises to build the behavioral data pipelines which provide better analytics, better decisions, and better actions.
The 3 Levels of Personalization: How Your Brand Can Offer a Custom Experience
The 3 Levels of Personalization: How Your Brand Can Offer a Custom Experience
Not all personalized experiences are equal. There are different levels of maturity. Too many companies are stuck in...
Not all personalized experiences are equal. There are different levels of maturity. Too many companies are stuck in...
The Importance of Behavioral Data
The Importance of Behavioral Data
Behavioral data is much more than just data. It allows you to predict the future – by anticipating your customer’s needs and behavior. It's crucial in optimizing your company’s conversion, engagement, and retention.
Behavioral data is much more than just data. It allows you to predict the future – by anticipating your customer’s needs and behavior. It's crucial in optimizing your company’s conversion, engagement, and retention.
Should Marketers Wait for IT?
Should Marketers Wait for IT?
The customer data which has traditionally resided in the realm of IT (and taken months or years to implement), is quickly becoming more accessible to marketers. In many cases, there’s no need to wait on IT for quick projects. Current marketing technologies put marketers in charge of their own fate; empowering them to track the visitor’s journey, build scores, and enact data-driven actions based on digital activity.
The customer data which has traditionally resided in the realm of IT (and taken months or years to implement), is quickly becoming more accessible to marketers. In many cases, there’s no need to wait on IT for quick projects. Current marketing technologies put marketers in charge of their own fate; empowering them to track the visitor’s journey, build scores, and enact data-driven actions based on digital activity.
How a Global Media Company Uses Analytics for Better Customer Insight
How a Global Media Company Uses Analytics for Better Customer Insight
With an audience fragmented across a variety of platforms, a global media company sought a solution that could combine and simplify their data...
With an audience fragmented across a variety of platforms, a global media company sought a solution that could combine and simplify their data...